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Selectmen's Minutes - January 12, 1993
January 12, 1993                Present:  James R. Haggerty, Chair
                                                        Judith A. Murdoch
                                                        Robert M. Crowley
                                                        Robert H. Andrews
                                                        Joseph Frisoli

Board read press release concerning burning of brush and stated that burning permits available as of January 15 at the Fire Station, payable by check only, $10.00.

Read letter on behalf of Continental Cable outlining a program scheduled for January 20 which would have a call in format to discuss Rte. 58.  James Haggerty will go on behalf of the Board.  

Chairman reminded the Board that on the 26th of January Superintendent of Schools and the Chairman of the Whitman Hanson Regional School District will attend the Selectmen's meeting to discuss financial issues.  Chairman also asked each department that comes under the Board of Selectmen be present on February 9th to discuss budgets.  

Chairman read bids for Annual Town Report.  Accuform, $29.95 per page.  Fairmount Print, $26.39 per page.  Reprographics, $22.95 per page.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Crowley to accept bids as read, 5-0 vote.  Will announce successful bidder next week.  

Arthur Thevanin and Steve O'Grady, Thevanin & Co. presented an overview of the audit for FY92.  Mr. Thevanin went over briefly the two audit reports which detailed the Town of Hanson's cash position and commented that both the financial management and the financial systems  overall are in excellent condition.  Of all the Towns that they do, they feel that Hanson at this point is just about the cleanest report that they have issued.  Mr. O'Grady made a presentation of the management letter, he explained that the management letter is that part of the audit that critiques the various operations.  He said although there are some findings, they are minimal and in comparison to other communities, they should be looked at simply as fine tuning a system that is already running very well.  It was further pointed out that several of the findings which referenced operations in FY92 have already been changed and corrected by both the Town Accountant and the Treasurer Collector since we are six months into FY93.  The Board asked several questions to which the auditors spoke.  Mr. Andrews asked the cost of the audit.  The Exec.. Secretary responded by stating to Mr. Andrews that the cost of the audits over the past three years have been level at 14,000 and have not increased.  Mr. Thevanin has submitted a letter quoting a reduced price to 10,000 for the next couple of years based on the fact that we are no longer required to do a single audit which is used for a federal audit which is primarily for schools and grants.  Mr. Nugent further spoke that he strongly recommends when the time comes the Board vote to accept the proposal, that although he feels there is nothing wrong with bidding the audit even though it is not required, the fact that the auditors have offered tremendous support throughout the year to the Treasurer/Collector and Town Accountant as well as himself concerning a variety of different problems, that he feels no reason to change.  Moreover, the auditors should be able to take some credit for the Town's financial picture since over the past several years they have been instrumental in monitoring our systems and in assisting and correcting various procedures.  The Chairman agreed with the Exec. Sec. comments, and he stated as past Treasurer at Whitman-Hanson Regional School District he has also worked with the auditors and feels very comfortable with their performance.  He congratulated the Town accountant and the Treasurer/Collector on their performance.  The Board agreed to congratulate them on a job well done.  

Board met with Representatives of the Recreation Commission, Julie Vaitkus and Wes Blaus.  They explained the renovation project ongoing at the Camp Kiwanee lodge which has necessitated their request to the Board of Selectmen to waive permit fees associated with Building Inspection, plumbing and electric.  The Building Inspector also agreed that the project was well worthwhile and that they should be commended for putting a group of volunteers as well as using the Army National Guard to complete a lot of the work.  Motion by Frisoli, 2nd Murdoch, to waive the Inspectors' fees, 5-0 vote.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Board discussed Common Victualer's license for Dunkin Donuts.  Mr. Garcia, the applicant was present.  Chairman explained after reading the letters from the Boards upstairs that he would recommend we grant a temporary license until March 2, 1993.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Crowley, 5-0 vote.  Board did agree to extend the permit as required until various times as the process continues, and if the applicant is meeting the requirements of the Board of Appeals and other Boards in Town.

Fire Chief and his Secretary discussed with the Board issues relating to ambulance billing.  Explained billing procedures and Secretary read from report she had brought.  Discussion took place concerning outstanding balances, percentages of collections and the ability to collect and abate ambulance fees.  It was agreed that the Secretary would prepare some information for the Board which would outline a breakdown of fiscal years outstanding bills as well as the various circumstances under which bills should be abated and the Board would take action in an effort to remove the large outstanding balance figure.  

Board discussed with Fire Chief his goals and objectives.  Chief passed out copy of same to the Board and proceeded to review each.  Upon completion the Board made some comments and agreed that he had done a good job putting these together.  Chief asked for approval for the time schedule for review and the Board agreed.  He would be back in March to review progress.  

Exec. Sec. explained to Board that he had completed draft copies of several of the budgets under their control and asked them to review briefly.  Board discussed each budget and upon conclusion agreed to submit as presented to the Finance Committee.  Exec. Sec. explained still has to put together Selectmen's budget which contains clerical staffing and computer services budget.  

Motion by Frisoli to adopt a policy to call for agendas to be placed in Selectmen's mail slots by Friday am each week.  After some discussion all parties agreed they would try it.  2nd Crowley.  5-0 vote.

Chairman asked if we had heard anything from Wage and Personnel regarding adoption of sexual harassment policy and personnel evaluation policy and disciplinary policy.  Exec. Sec. indicated to Board that he had written to Wage and Personnel some time ago and had not received an answer.  Chairman requested that another note be sent requesting status of policies as Board is concerned.

Board voted to enter exec. session under #3, negotiations, motion by Murdoch, 2nd Frisoli, 5-0 roll call vote.

Motion to adjourn by Murdoch, 2nd Crowley, 5-0.  9:30 p.m.

Judith Murdoch, Clerk